17 March 2021 ,

Henri WAUQUIEZ built extraordinary boats. Quality & Inovation in solid harmony. Each boat is an example first class sea prowess, performance and construction

A robust Bluewater cruiser that is comfortable and built for the sailor with a passion for the sea, the earth-to-earth sailor in all oceans or for the regatta sailor.

HNOSS II is a boat with soul & every voyage becomes a unique journey. Cover the lounge makes you in step with the elements.

Constructor Naval Designer Ed Dubois Price new in 2002 - euro 500,000. The current owner bought the boat in 2013 via boatmelger SMN in St. Tropez and sailed it home to Norway.

VAT in Norway is paid.

Private ownership in St. Tropez - not charter. Only two owners.

Lying Vannvag, Norway

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